Meet the Mancunian Podcast: social impact stories from Manchester

A podcast for the Mancunians!

I recently listened to the radio podcast show "Meet the Mancunian" and I have to say, I was thoroughly impressed. Deepa does an excellent job of facilitating engaging and thought-provoking conversations with a diverse range of guests.

Each episode focuses on a different topic, ranging from music and art to politics and social issues. No matter the subject, the discussions are always informative and insightful. Deepa has a natural ability to ask the right questions and draw out meaningful responses from the guests.

I particularly appreciate the in-depth and nuanced approach to the topics covered on the show. Both Deepa and the guests never shy away from tackling complex issues and exploring different perspectives.

Overall, "Meet the Mancunian" is a fantastic podcast that I highly recommend to anyone interested in learning more about the city of Manchester and the people who call it home. The show is a great way to stay connected to the local community and gain a deeper understanding of the issues that matter to Mancunians. So, it is a must-listen for all the Manchester natives and those interested in Manchester culture.

Dec. 30, 2022 by Mukul Agarwal on This Website

Meet the Mancunian Podcast: social impact stories from Manchester